
Breast Cancer

How does genetic testing help Breast Cancer pat...

How can genetic testing affect how breast cancer patients are treated? And what relevance does it have to breast cancer survivors? 

How does genetic testing help Breast Cancer pat...

How can genetic testing affect how breast cancer patients are treated? And what relevance does it have to breast cancer survivors? 


Alopecia: causes and Diagnosis

Alopecia affects 0.5-2% of men and women worldwide and can manifest at any age after puberty, but the risk of developing it rises with age. Alopecia may be brought on...

Alopecia: causes and Diagnosis

Alopecia affects 0.5-2% of men and women worldwide and can manifest at any age after puberty, but the risk of developing it rises with age. Alopecia may be brought on...

Gene therapy and CRISPR-Cas9

Gene therapy - techniques and challenges

One of the most popular precision medicine approaches for treating genetic diseases, such as cancer, heart diseases, diabetes, and some hereditary blood disorders.

Gene therapy - techniques and challenges

One of the most popular precision medicine approaches for treating genetic diseases, such as cancer, heart diseases, diabetes, and some hereditary blood disorders.

NIPT test

Noninvasive Prenatal Test (NIPT) and what to ex...

The term NIPT test, involves taking a blood sample from a pregnant woman that contains some fetal DNA in order to determine the fetus's gender and ensure that it is free...

Noninvasive Prenatal Test (NIPT) and what to ex...

The term NIPT test, involves taking a blood sample from a pregnant woman that contains some fetal DNA in order to determine the fetus's gender and ensure that it is free...


Is Autism genetic?

Is autism genetic or environmental? And is it curable? we will discuss the causes of autism as well as the role of genetic testing in changing autism diagnosis and treatment methods in this...

Is Autism genetic?

Is autism genetic or environmental? And is it curable? we will discuss the causes of autism as well as the role of genetic testing in changing autism diagnosis and treatment methods in this...

Genetic testing before marriage and pregnancy

consanguinity and its relevance to genetic dise...

Consanguineous marriage increases the likelihood of developing many genetic diseases, such as birth defects, sickle cell anemia, obesity, and more. So Premarital and prenatal genetic testing and Genetic consultation for those who are about...

consanguinity and its relevance to genetic dise...

Consanguineous marriage increases the likelihood of developing many genetic diseases, such as birth defects, sickle cell anemia, obesity, and more. So Premarital and prenatal genetic testing and Genetic consultation for those who are about...